Thursday 26 June 2008

Bottlenose bonanza for EW team 1 on their last day in Gtown

Well, our 2nd EW team of 2008 have sadly just left us this morning. We had quite an amazing last few days with incredible dolphin encounters! We made a second attempt yesterday to identify and record a very large (and spread out) school of bottlenose, which proved very difficult indeed - and was not really helped by the sea conditions - but we successfully identified 27 animals in the end and assigned all the mothers to their calves. The animals were incredibly interactive and we witnessed some great fishing bouts, with impressive fish throwing. See below some pics from this encounter and the happy faces of all onboard when we eventually terminated the encounter (after a gruelling 3 hrs!). A fantastic climax for the team on their very last day and smiles all round! Kev


The Ops Mgr said...

Is is mean to say I hate you all? So jealous!

Looks like an awesome day


Pine Eisfeld said...

Oh Steve, can't you just be happy for them?!?! You've seen it all, too! This is what I call Dolphin Assisted Threapy: Someone else sees dolphins, or whales, or porpoise and tells me all about it being very happy and over the moon and all that, and it cheers me up and makes me very happy as well! See?!?!

The Ops Mgr said...

I know, I know... but when you are stuck in a 3 hour "strategy" meeting it can be very hard to be positive some times!

But yes, everytime I see dolphin pics and people dressed up like red teletubbies it definitely brightens up my day :-)

Ruth said...

It was amazing!! Is it silly to say that I can now name like 2 dolphins out of how many are there!? Baracuda and SailFin....then there's Kever who is rattling off names AND numbers at the same time!! :)

amberlou said...

Wow! Looks amazing! What fun with all those animals! What a fab day for the team.

robin.warwick said...

Certainly was a busy day ! How have EW Team 2 been getting on over the last week or so ?